18 Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog
Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

18 Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

All of us love our frenchies and treat them as family members, but what about the things you should not do to them? The things your furry friends don’t want you to do can greatly influence their behavior.

Most Importantly frenchies have flat faces and short snouts that can lead to a variety of health problems including overheating, breathing issues, and other health issues, so you need to avoid things that can exhaust them.

Top 7 Most Important Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

1. Overheating And Overexertion

2. Changing Your Frenchie Routine

3. Feeding Too Much

4. Leaving Your Frenchie Alone

5. Using Physical Punishment

6. Tight Hugs

7. Harsh Training Methods

This article contains 18 things you should never do to your french bulldog, so keep reading.

Table of Contents

1. Overheating And Overexertion

It can be a severe problem for your Frenchie due to their short and flat snout, which makes it difficult for them to breathe and cool down. 

Avoid taking them out during the hot hours, provide plenty of water, and limit their exercise to short break periods.

Keep your Frenchie’s clothes light and breathable, and don’t make them wear anything too tight or heavy.

It is important to check their physical activities to ensure they are not overexerting themselves, which can lead to overheating and heatstroke.

Also Read: Top 10 Longest Living Dog Breeds in U.S

2. Changing Your Frenchie Routine

When you change your Frenchie’s routine, they may feel anxious, stressed, and confused, affecting their health and behavior.

Consider keeping your Frenchie’s routine the same unless necessary. If you decide to change it, make sure it happens slowly so that it does not affect their mood or health.

3. Common Mistakes You Must Not Do While Feeding Your Frenchie

It’s great to provide your Frenchie with proper nutrition, but you should also remember some common mistakes to avoid negative effects on their health and well-being.

Below are some points to consider:

Feeding Too Much

Owners frequently need to correct this when feeding your French bulldog.

They overfeed their beloved Frenchie, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems, such as heart disease, joint issues, diabetes, and breathing problems.

Frenchies are small breeds, so feeding them twice daily with 1/2 cup of high-quality dry food is sufficient for adults.

On the other hand, puppies should be fed three to four times a day depending on their daily activities, as Frenchie doesn’t require as much food as larger dogs breed.

Never Leave Your Frenchie Alone While Eating

Leaving your Frenchie alone while feeding can cause digestive problems since they may eat too fast or choke.

Consider bringing a slow feeder bowl or puzzle toy so they can eat slowly and have fun at the same time. This will prevent their health risks and maintain a strong bond with them.

Feeding Human Foods

Some human foods are healthy for Frenchie, while others can be harmful, so you should consult your veterinarian before feeding them anything.

Dairy products, and fruits. vegetables and meat are beneficial if given in small portions with your vet’s consultation.

Further, some human foods that you must avoid are:

  • Onions And Garlic
  • Caffeine
  • Cooked Bones
  • Sugary Foods And Drinks
  • Grapes And Raisins
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Corn On The Cob
Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

Low-Quality Food

Low-quality dog food is always made with cereals as the first ingredient, artificial colorings, and additives, and contains poor nutritional content.

You should avoid feeding your Frenchie brands like Alpo, Beneful, and Kibbles ‘n Bits as they provide low-quality dog food.

Not Considering Age-Specific Nutrition

At different stages of their lives, Frenchies have different nutritional needs.

The diet plan for your Frenchie should be based on their age, size, and daily activities. You can seek advice from your vet if you don’t know what to feed your Frenchie.

Ignoring Monitoring For Food Allergies

A Frenchie’s health can seriously be impacted by not monitoring food allergies, which is why you should consult your vet directly if you notice signs such as redness, ear infections, itching, gastrointestinal upsets, and chronic inflammation.

Relying On Treats

Frenchies behavior and health can be negatively affected by relying on treats.

When treats are provided as rewards for training and good behavior, they are good, but not as a diet, since this could lead to weight gain.

Hand-Feeding Your Frenchie

Hand-feeding your frenchie seems like a lovable way of showing love but it can lead to dependency, aggression, overfeeding, and bad manners in your frenchie.

Consider feeding your Frenchie in a bowl instead of by hand.

4. Avoid Loud Noises And Sudden Movements

Loud noises and sudden movements can make your Frenchie anxious and fearful, which can result in aggression, anxiety, and illness.

We suggest keeping them calm and safe in their environment.

Use positive reinforcement to make your Frenchie comfortable if you’re found in a situation like this, and also visit your veterinarian.

5. Teasing

It seems fun to tease your frenchie, but not too much is good like pulling their tail, wrapping a towel around them, and making loud noises. These things can frustrate and make your frenchie aggressive.

It’s a great way to have fun, but don’t overdo it.

6. Leaving Your Frenchie Alone for Extended Periods

Frenchies are social and friendly dogs who enjoy spending time with their owners.

You can cause them stress, destructive behavior, and many other issues if you leave them alone for a long time.

If you have to stay away from home, make sure your Frenchie has a comfortable and safe environment, interactive toys, and calming music, and don’t leave them for long periods. You can also consider buying another pet to keep them company.

Make sure you do all the things I have mentioned above and slowly increase their time in order to train them to be left alone for longer periods of time.

7. Never Force Your Frenchie

It’s not a good idea to force your Frenchie, but sometimes it’s good to discipline them, just don’t overdo it.

Here I have given 3 points to consider you should not do to your french bulldog.

Forcing them to Swim

Due to their short legs and heavy heads, frenchies are not good swimmers and can drown or inhale water, resulting in pneumonia or other problems.

Wearing a life jacket and never letting your frenchie alone while in water is the best way to give them experience in water.

Wearing Costumes Or Accessories

Don’t force your Frenchie to wear costumes or accessories that are uncomfortable or unbreathable to them. If they pant, scratch, whine, or try to remove their costumes or accessories, then you should immediately remove them.

Forcing Play

Whenever your frenchie shows signs of stress or discomfort, do not force them to play.

Due to their flat noses and size, French bulldogs can easily get tired and don’t require too much playtime. They have a playful nature and are very energetic, but everyone has limitations.

Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

8. Using Physical Punishment

When you use physical punishment on your frenchie, it can lead to negative effects on their health and life, including fear and anxiety, aggression, trust issues, physical harm, and avoidance behavior.

Here are some tips on how to discipline your frenchie without using physical punishment.

  • If you do not follow a routine when disciplining your frenchie, they might get confused and frustrated. Use positive reinforcement, treat them when they do well, and stop them when they do wrong.
  • Use a firm voice and proper body language instead of shouting or hitting them.
  • The best way to teach your frenchie good behavior is to use words like “NO” or “STOP” when you see them doing unwanted behavior and then direct them to positive behavior, like asking them to sit or roll down, then treat them as soon as possible.

9. Avoiding Their Health

Make sure you provide everything necessary for the health of your French bulldog to avoid certain health issues.

To prevent upcoming health problems in your Frenchie, here are some tips:

Grooming Needs

Despite their minimal grooming requirement, French bulldogs can suffer from many health problems if they aren’t properly cared for.

Consider these points:

Harsh Chemicals Or Products

Avoid using harsh chemicals or products on your frenchie that can cause skin problems like wrinkles and fold dermatitis and many others that are caused by the harsh chemicals or products you use on your frenchie. 

To prevent this, keep your Frenchies skin folds clean and dry with a mild and vet-approved cleanser.

Vet-approved products should be obtained and used properly.

Don’t Forget To Check Their Ears

Check your frenchie’s ears regularly, it is an important part of grooming.

A vet-approved cleaner should be used regularly to clean Frenchie’s bat ears, and sharp objects should be avoided that can damage your frenchie ear canals.

Avoiding Bath And Clipping Nails

Generally, you need to bathe a French bulldog once a week depending on their lifestyle, and use a vet-approved shampoo to prevent allergies. Additionally, their nails need to be trimmed every 2-3 weeks. If you find this task to be too daunting, hire a groomer.

Avoiding Fresh Water

Make sure you provide plenty of French water to your Frenchie to keep them hydrated. Be careful not to provide extremely cold water, as that can cause gastrointestinal upset, and hot water can burn your Frenchie’s stomach. Consider providing normal water instead of hot water, and always clean the bowl before giving your Frenchie water.

Breathing Issues

The unique physical appearance of Frenchies makes them prone to breathing problems. Brachycephalic airway syndrome is a common issue that causes snoring, excessive drooling, noisy breathing, lethargy, coughing, and vomiting in Frenchies.

Frenchies that show signs such as loss of consciousness should be consulted by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Skipping Vet Visits

If you skip vet visits, it can shorten your frenchie’s life span. Regular vet visits can help detect any future health problems and ensure that your frenchie receives vaccines on time.

A pet insurance policy can help you pay for veterinary visits if you are concerned about the cost.

Avoiding Exercise

Frenchies need at least 20-25 minutes of exercise per day otherwise they are prone to obesity, which can cause heart disease, joint problems, and many other problems. 

Avoiding Signs of Illness

Some common health problems like skin fold dermatitis, corneal dystrophy, and cataracts shouldn’t be ignored.

You can prevent these health problems in your french bulldog by visiting the vet regularly.

Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

High Extreme Temperatures

Since they can’t regulate their body temperature, they can quickly become too cold or too hot, which can lead to many health problems.

To prevent heat stroke, you should give your Frenchie plenty of water and shade in hot weather. 

Heat stroke can cause diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, and even organ failure.

If they are left outside in the cold, they may suffer from hypothermia, causing lethargy, shivering, and even unconsciousness.

It’s essential to keep them at a comfortable temperature and monitor them closely, while they are in extreme temperature if you find any illness you must visit your vet immediately.

Avoiding Mental Stimulation

Avoiding mental stimulation can lead to anxiety and boredom in your frenchie, which can lead to repetitive behavior.

If you provide your Frenchie with a safe space, daily walks, interactive toys, and positive reinforcement, they will be less likely to chase squirrels or other animals and can live a happy, healthy life.

Avoiding Dental Health

Keeping your french bulldog’s dental health clean is essential to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. If you do not maintain your Frenchie’s dental health, gum disease and tooth decay can occur.

Avoiding Weight Management

Maintaining your frenchie’s weight is essential for their health and well-being. If your frenchie is overweight and you avoid it, it can damage their joints and organs.

Extreme Physical Exercise

Frenchies should be kept active, but if you exercise them too much, they may suffer from health problems due to their flat face and short nose.

The Frenchie can exercise up to an hour daily, which should consist of walking, training, free play, and plenty of rest and water between activities.

10. Tight Hugs

Hugs express our love, and you may feel the same way about your frenchie, but your furry friend may not enjoy tight hugs.

The frenchies do not have hands that they can use to hug you, so they might feel uncomfortable hugging tightly. 

It is easier for your Frenchie to acquire the habit of hugging if you start hugging them at a young age.

However, if they feel uncomfortable or move away, then try to bond differently with your Frenchie.

11. Avoiding Training Of Your Frenchie

Keeping your frenchie trained is essential to their growth and well-being, so do not neglect it.

Keeping your furry friend untrained can lead to the following problems:


If an untrained frenchie is not trained, they can cause many accidents such as potty accidents anywhere in the house, excessive barking, chewing anything they find, and many other things.

Safety Comes First

The French Bulldog can harm itself, others, or you if not trained well. That’s why it is important to train them to be disciplined.

Behavioral Problems

There are many behavioral problems associated with untrained pets such as excessive barking, whining, digging, urinating in the house, getting aggressive, etc.

Lack Of Socialization

Start exposing your Frenchie to different environments, people, and animals as early as possible if you haven’t already.

Pulling On Leash

A frenchie that has not been trained may pull on the leash to run ahead or lag behind you, which can be unpleasant for both of you and may lead to your frenchie getting lost or injured.

Difficulty During Vet Visits

Frenchies cannot be checked by your vet and given vaccinations if you don’t train them in situations like these.

Difficulty In Communication

Communication can be challenging, and it can be difficult for you to understand what your furry friend is trying to say. Training is not only about teaching them, it’s about building a bond with them too.

Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

Stress And Anxiety

It is not only about training, it’s also about building a bond with your Frenchie and expressing your love for them. By not training your frenchie properly, you may increase their stress and anxiety.

Problems In Everyday Activities

Having an untrained frenchie can cause problems in your day-to-day life, whereas a well-trained one will be more cooperative and responsible.

12. Inviting a Strange Dog In Your House (My Experience)

One of my friends brought their dog to my house when I invited them over. As humans, we rely on social manners to start a conversation. 

Introducing a new dog to your household can be difficult because dogs are territorial and naturally feel the need to defend their homes.

The most effective way to introduce them is to let them meet each other in a safe and comfortable environment. 

This is done by taking them for a walk to get used to each other’s scents and body language. Once we brought them back home, we kept them on leashes until they were comfortable with one another’s presence, and then we gradually let them go.

As we watched them socializing freely that day, we learned how important it is to respect your furry friend’s instincts and comfort zone.

13. Never leave your Frenchie with A strange dog

As French bulldogs are prone to breathing problems and make loud noises, you should never leave them alone with other dogs, especially if they are not familiar with one another.

Because other dogs may mistake their heavy breathing for aggression and attack position, it can be difficult for your Frenchie to fit in with other dogs in the park. However, if both dogs are familiar with each other, this could work, but never leave your frenchie alone. When they are with other dogs, be sure to observe closely. If you notice any difficulties, make sure to check with right away.

14. Shouting Commands

You will not be able to teach your frenchie anything if you shout at them over and over again.

You should pay attention to the tone of your voice and body language because dogs first perceive the outside world through their nose, followed by their eyes and ears. Instead of raising your voice, use your body language to show your frenchie what you want him to do.

15. Avoiding Facial Wrinkles

Your Frenchie’s wrinkles can cause irritation, infections, and bad odors. You should regularly clean your frenchie’s wrinkles and groom them with a soft cloth to avoid these problems.

16. Using Tight Collar On Your Frenchie

A tight collar can cause breathing problems, pain, and skin irritation in Frenchies because of their short snouts and flat faces.

Using a harness instead of a collar can reduce the risk of choking.

Frenchies get benefit from harnesses because they are more comfortable and can fit across their bodies.

Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

17. Rough Play Or Harsh Training Methods

To prevent emotional, mental, or physical damage to your French bulldog, it is best to avoid rough play or harsh training.

Your Frenchie should be played or trained gently and given treats for good behavior, and during your outdoor activities, make sure you don’t hurt them.

18. Ignoring Your Frenchie Signals

By ignoring your Frenchie’s signals, you can create the impression that their owner does not care for them.

If you see your dog displaying signs such as body language like a happy face with a moving tail or a dull face with a closed mouth, or if they are using their voice to communicate, or if they are making soft, loving eye contact, then you need to take note and respond accordingly.


Caretaking of your Frenchie requires understanding their unique needs. In this article, we have outlined eighteen things to avoid for your frenchie’s well-being.

Every point underscores the importance of pet ownership, from preventing overheating and overexertion to meeting their dietary requirements.

Providing your frenchie with physical and mental stimulation, maintaining a consistent routine, avoiding physical punishment, and respecting their limitations is key to a happy relationship with your frenchie.

We aim to provide your frenchie with a safe, comfortable, and healthy life through this article.

Would you be interested in implementing these steps in your life with your French bulldog and if you have any questions regarding this article, feel free to leave a comment below.

FAQ – Things Not To Do With A French Bulldog

Can french bulldog swim?

Frenchies can swim, but wear them a life jacket and monitor them closely while swimming. This is because frenchies have short legs which makes it difficult to swim for long periods, and their flat skull makes breathing difficult.

What do French Bulldogs love the most?

French bulldogs love spending time with their owners and love cuddling, walking, playing, and meeting new people and dogs. These things can help you improve your relationship with Frenchies, and they enjoy them.

Are French bulldogs ok to be left alone?

While Frenchies are fine being left alone for a few hours, they shouldn’t be left alone for long periods of time, as it could lead to depression or anxiety.

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